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Drakensberg Mountains Bike Tour


Drakensberg Mountains Bike Tour

Enjoy an adventure bike tour on amazingly scenic roads through KwaZulu Natal. Pass through high country farmland and commercial forests, with the route running parallel to The Drakensberg Mountains, with the most beautiful and unlimited views of The Berg.

Price from R11490 includes:

- SA Dept. of Tourism Registered Guide
- Public liability insurance
- Bike insurance for claims >ZAR 10'000
- Dinner, Bed, and Breakfast
- Fuel with hire bikes
- Booking & Administration Fees


Day 1
Ride the quieter Old Main Road, to the first stop at the interesting and infamous Comrades Marathon Wall of Honour, a mostly unobserved but amazingly interesting feature. Then a short motorway positioning ride through Pietermaritzburg to Howick and then back onto the old road, with the next stop at the Nelson Mandela capture site and monument at Tweedie, Midlands, then to The Notties Hotel for breakfast.

The first overnight is at White Mountain Inn.

Day 2
The next day departs from breakfast riding the same gravel road, with its Berg views, and on to Spioenkop Mountain, where you will enjoy the specialist services of accredited Battlefields guide Shane Spargo. Shane has a passion for Anglo Zulu and the Anglo Boer Wars and gives the most captivating and often animated account of this noteworthy battle.

The country riding from Winterton, through Colenso and Weenen is easy-going cruising where the scenery makes the miles melt away. Visit the Winston Churchill capture site and monument, until reaching the very biker-friendly Imbabala Lodge at Muden. Here if you’re lucky the giraffe and zebra will come for their own ‘sundowners’ at a watering point directly in front of the lodge veranda.

Day 3
The next day after breakfast it's homeward through Middelrus and The Karkloof. This segment has less of the historical and landmark features, but those are ‘substituted’ with enormous vistas on long stretches of unoccupied big country gravel and then into the scenic wonderland of The Karkloof, where a person would think that their dreams had taken them to The Yukon.

The exact same tour can be extended by an extra day for those with more of an interest in the region’s history. The additional day would provide time to stop and learn a lot more about each historical feature and site.


Night one is spent at White Mountain Inn, nestled in the beauty and tranquility of the foothills of the Giant’s Castle Nature Reserve, Central Drakensberg region of KwaZulu Natal.

Night two is spent at Imbabala Lodge which is situated alongside the beautiful Thukela Biosphere between the towns of Weenen and Greytown in the KwaZulu Natal Midlands and just a stone’s throw away from the historic Battlefields.

Imbabala Lodge is tucked away in the bush with a spectacular view over the bushveld and of Mt. Moriah to the west. Imbabala boasts a large variety of game including giraffe, nyala, bushbuck, zebra, and several other species which gather in the grassland close to the lodge at sunset.


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