Kuzuko Lodge known as the “Place of Glory”, is a malaria-free Private Game Reserve situated in the greater Addo area, with the vision to combine conservation, job creation, and social transformation. The lodge is built high up on a hill, where breathtaking views from your private veranda are complemented by luxurious chalets and warm, attentive service.
Kuzuko Lodge rests on a hill overlooking the Kaboega plains and Winterberg Mountains. The twenty-four chalets offer guests awe-inspiring views of a big five reserve, a watering hole, and the plains of the African Klein Karoo.
Game drives take place as the sun rises, during the afternoon, and as the sun sets. The experienced guides are sure to track and point out the many species of game that roam the Kuzuko reserve. With the nocturnal animals out and about, sunrise and sunset drives offer a very different view of the wild.
At Kuzuko cultural heritage is just as important as preserving the natural surroundings. As such, guided walks are offered where visitors can examine Khoisan rock paintings that are approximately 400 years old.
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